I found this picture from a girl's blog and I knew I needed to pass it on!
How many times a day do we settle???
We settle with wearing comfortable clothes instead of something that's cute but might take some time to iron.
We settle with leaving in the earrings from yesterday instead of taking the effort to find a pair in the mess of the jewelry box.
We settle for whatever cereal is the easiest to get out instead of searching for those elusive rice crispies.
We settle for being slightly cold instead of going back inside to get a jacket.
We settle for whatever song plays next on our iPod instead of finding the one we want.
We settle for just smiling at people we pass by instead of saying hello.
We settle for being 2 minutes late to class... it doesn't count that you're late if the professor hasn't walked in yet.
We settle for the quick option for lunch instead of waiting in line for the hot Chik-fil-A fries at the campus food court.
We settle for parking the bike wherever is closest instead of putting it back where it's usually parked... and then spend ten minutes trying to find it the next day.
We settle for going to a church that has a later service instead of good Bible teaching... that extra 2 hours of sleep is more important.
We settle for friends who make us feel good instead of friends who will tell us the truth to our face.
We settle for 3rd deck football tickets instead of getting up early and waiting in line to pull a good seat for the game.
We settle for wearing stuff that the mall sells instead of clothes that are modest as well as cute... even though we know it makes it harder for our Christian brothers.
We settle into casual dating relationships with no intention of real commitment instead of holding out for God's best--our Prince Charming.
There's no need to be satisfied with second-rate, second-best options! Stay strong! God wants to give you His best! Girls, I beg you not to settle!
That's really neat, Katie. Thanks for posting! <3
Someday we'll realize the incredibly dear cost of settling for less than what God intended...thanks for this reminder!
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