The summer rolled by as I studied for the GRE in the back room of the Africa Mercy library. Then I came back to A&M, started my senior year, and eagerly waited to hear back from the schools.
Some programs sent me a letter inviting me to interview with them at an upcoming preview day. Those schools then called to tell me that "the (insert school's name here) admissions committee was pleased to offer me a spot in the DPT (Doctorate of Physical Therapy) class of 2013." I soon learned to drop everything else and pick up my cell phone when the caller ID read UNAVAILABLE. :)
Two programs sent me emails simply telling me that I'd been automatically admitted—no interview necessary. One program then invited me to come tour their campus sometime in the spring. The other emailed included an invitation to their Preview Day and while the other applicants had an interview, the other early admit student and I got to chat with a faculty member and basically ask her to tell us why we should come to their school.
I visited four campuses this semester. One of them had an entire day of activities planned for us, gave us more than enough opportunities to chat with current students, and even gave us a tour of the entire campus (granted, that only took like 15 minutes!). One program treated me really well once I told them my name—I think they really wanted me to choose their school. Another program almost worked too hard to convince us that while they were still working on their accreditation (and the class of '13 would only be their second class), they'd be accredited by the time the first class graduated and they were just as good as any other program. And the last campus I visited allowed me to arrange an interview during A&M's dead days before finals. The professor I interviewed with told me about the incredible research she's doing; I think we only spent about ten minutes talking about me and why I wanted to be a PT! :)
So now I've been accepted into 5 of the 6 programs (the last one offered me an interview in January... after I will have already told the other schools yes or no). And it's a lovely feeling. But on the other hand, I was hoping the choice would be made easier by some of the schools not offering me a position in their class.
I was ECSTATIC when Hardin Simmons offered me a spot. I've turned in my acceptance form already and the $1000 deposit needs to be in by mid-January. And then these other top-notch programs accepted me as well... completely complicating my decision. The last two weeks of the semester my friends knew that whenever I answered the phone with, " Hello, this is Katie Farr" I was talking to a PT school, and they could count on something to the effect of "just great..." once I hung up. :)
I have to make a decision by December 30th. 7 days from now. Each program has a great reputation, great clinical opportunities, outstanding faculty, and good national exam pass rates... so how do I decide?
And then I came across this passage as I was reading this morning in II Corinthians 2:
"12 Now when I went to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ
and found that the Lord had opened a door for me,
13 I still had no peace of mind, because I did not find my brother Titus
there. So I said good-by to them and went on to Macedonia.
14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal
procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere
the fragrance of the knowledge of him."
2 Corinthians 2:12-14
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