Passion was amazing!
So, Friday night, first session. We're singing "Shadows" and all of a sudden Lecrae runs out on stage and starts rapping in the middle of the song! :) Gotta love CCM meeting Christian rap!
Friday night was a David Crowder*Band and Lecrae concert... so epic! But by the time we got out of there about 1am we were all pretty hungry, so we stopped at Denny's for their $4.99 Grand Slam! :)
Four of us left from College Station (me, Melissa, Jonathan, and John) and we met up with Peter in Coppell where we stayed with a sweet family that my family met in homeschool group when we used to live there (2001-2005). We quickly made sandwiches to go, dropped our bags off, and hit the road to Ft. Worth!
I knew there would be a lot of students there, but I wasn't expecting 10,000+ students and over 1,000 volunteers!
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Worship was amazing! Chris Tomlin, Charlie Hall, Kristian Stanfill, Christy Nockels, and David Crowder*Band!
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David Crowder
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Chris Tomlin
Christy Nockel's "Carry Your Name"
I wasn't really a big fan of the David Crowder*Band until I saw their "Shine" music video a few months ago...
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Saturday morning I kick-started my day with coffee and then we stopped at Target for Melissa to grab a mocha and for all of us to buy towels/socks. A big part of Passion is doing something for the community and around the world. Every participant was asked to bring a towel and a package of socks to restock the shelves of Ft. Worth homeless shelters.
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We started off the morning in our "Community Groups". Mine was orange and I met up with my "family" that I'd met last night. We spent some time digging into Philippians 2, discussing what we'd learned from the night before, and praying.
My "family"
Then main session, more worship, and Francis Chan speaking. I'd only heard of Francis because a friend recommended his book "Crazy Love" (which I am just now reading). But this guy was amazing! At one point he was so overwhelmed with wanting us all to fall in love with Jesus like he has that he broke down at the podium... all 11,000+ of us are like "ummmmm...." but it was really cool.

Lunch was out on the grass behind the convention center (we're over on the very far right if you really zoom in!)
The afternoon main session is where we learned about the main cause that Passion2011 Ft. Worth was working for: raising $220,000 to support a 5-person team to translate 90 Bible stories into the language of the Koso people in Mali, West Africa. The video they showed us was just incredible... wow... that session got to me.
Dinner break during which we wandered through the "Do Something Now" area to learn more about the Koso people, see all the towels/socks ready to be donated, give money to the translation project, pray for the Koso people, and sign up for more information about short term missions opportunities around the world.
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all the people waiting to donate!!!
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Then dinner. Thanks to Melissa's iPhone we found a Dickey's BBQ, another Target for its Starbucks, and an elusive McDonald's for a $1 dose of caffeine--we never found that McDonald's in the midst of random 1-way streets in downtown Ft. Worth.
Then back for another main session: John Piper this time. (That guy is way over my head)
This time we were asleep at a more decent hour. :)
Sunday morning also started out with gratutitous amounts of coffee, devotions with our "families", and more incredible worship!
We said goodbye to people, met up with John and his luggage, found a CiCi's pizza (and a Starbucks for a venti sugar-free vanilla iced coffee for me), and got on the road back to College Station. Then a stop in West, Texas for kolaches.
We listened to the CD that was recorded at Passion2011 Atlanta all the way home and I will say that after singing those songs live I will never think of them in the same way! You should definintely buy it... like I mean, you HAVE to buy it!
We got back to town about 7pm, dropped everyone off at their dorms or cars... and 10 minutes later I was on the way to the ER with my roommate. We finally got back to the dorm about 3am...
What a weekend!
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(Did I mention that I drove basically the whole way there, back and forth from Coppell to Ft. Worth, and all the way home?)
Here's an article about Passion that appeared in The Battalion, A&M's student newspaper:
Here's an article about Passion that appeared in The Battalion, A&M's student newspaper:
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