Friday, January 22, 2010


Haiti... it's something that we're all thinking about. We've seen pictures all over the media. I've personally seen three different A&M student organizations looking to raise money, received four emails from ministries whose newsletters I email-subscribe to asking for donations, seen two different blog posts on people's desires to go serve there, read two missionaries' pleas for help, seen at least eight signs around campus saying "Pray for Haiti," and been invited to a worship/s'mores/pray for Haiti night.

I understand that something horrible happened in Haiti. I realize that there are people dead and that more are dying and even more are left homeless or orphaned. I understand. I care. I pray.

But what about the other atrocities that never make it to the headlines, the front page, the internet sidebars, and the breaking news RSS feed emails and popups? What about the people in South America dying from malnutrition? What about the over 1 million girls sold into sex slvery each year? What about AIDS that ravages the African continent? What about the orphans in Ecuador where my friends are serving at a babies' orphanage? What about the civil war veterans in Liberia and Sierra Leone that are left amputees? What about....?


Why these tragedies?

Why the devastation?

Why the chaos?

Why the sadness?

Why the death?

Why, God?

I've recently been reading "Captivating" (girls, it's a wonderful book, but the workbook really makes it hit home!) and came across these thoughts from the chapter entitled "A Special Hatred."

We ask why? Because Satan is wreaking destruction on the glory of God in the earth like a psychopath committed to destroying great works of art. Satan was a beautiful angel (Ez 28:12-15) but he fell because no longer wanted to be "best supporting actor;" he wanted the Oscar all to himself. Now he seeks revenge on all that is beautiful and good. As women, I believe that he targets us especially because we are the ones who give life, who nurture, who allure the world to God. History is full of such examples. And they cannot be explained away by inherent evil in man, greed, or the lust for power.

"For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms." Eph 6:12 NLT

The only way to fight that is to pray; at this point, all I can pray is "Come quickly, Lord Jesus!" (Rev 22:20)

Praying for and supporting Haiti is a good thing, don't get me wrong... but won't you step back and look at the big picture?


EM said...

Thanks for this perspective! It's hard to deal with these realities...especially when you see them in the faces of children that have been rejected and thrown away. I look forward to the day when these same ones are a mighty chorus before the throne of God!

Michelle Joy Cristion said...

Thank you for that. I've been having a lot of personal 'attacks' if you will lately, and I found myself having lunch with a friend and just being like 'WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE?' I feel you- and thanks for the justification- it's nice to have a reminder that it's not just because- there's a reason.