1:39am -- collapse into bed after studying until 1am, calculating how much sleep I'll get before the alarm rings
9:45am -- wake up to the annoying alarm clock, I think it's coffee time
10:06am -- scarf down a bowl of cereal, try to find a leotard that's clean
10:08am -- rush out the door to my dance class, gonna be late again
10:55am -- halfway through class my brain seems to shut down, start messing up dance combinations
11:15am -- head to the campus post office, get the first support check for my trip to Africa!
11:45am -- shower and find something cute to wear, realize I have to dress up since I won't have a chance to change before the show tonight
12:13pm -- head to the Underground food court for lunch, eat pasta by myself at a table for four
1:30pm -- walk to the library for my writing-intensive class, sit in the hall and study before class
1:50pm -- learn how to find research articles online, gonna be so much easier than previous research papers
2:55pm -- rush over to anatomy&physiology lab, studying for the weekly quiz on the way over
3:10pm -- studying brain waves and EEG traces, I'm appointed the group leader
4:50pm -- lab done early, call Sarah to see if she wants to eat with me
4:58pm -- deciding on what I want for dinner, hot turkey/provolone on ciabatta sounds good
5:25pm -- Sarah leaves for Bible study, ask the girls at the next table over if I can join them studying for the anatomy&physiology test tonight
6:13pm -- realize that I might actually know more than I thought I did, breathe a sigh of semi-relief
6:59pm -- walk into the lecture hall, start frantically filling out the scantron bubble
7:27pm -- done with the test, second in a class of 250+
7:31pm -- run over to Rudder Theater, slide into my seat right as the show starts
8:30pm -- Royal Winnepeg Ballet's "Cinderella Story" halfway done, so glad I bought the ticket back in July!
10:02pm -- show's over, my three friends from dance company my freshman year and I decide to grab dessert
10:17pm -- Emily's house, incredible ice cream sandwich/peanut butter frozen dessert
11:28pm -- the four of us having too much fun, finally decide to head home
11:47pm -- Brittany drops me off at the dorm, head up to check FB
12:11am -- thinking about grabbing my journal and a cup of tea, life doesn't stop at midnight...
Yeah, that's been my day... and pretty typical. I've been in my room for less than 30 minutes since I woke up this morning; my roommate's probably wondering if I actually live here! :-) But I like busy... it keeps my mind from retracing stuff and wondering if things would have turned out differently if only...
Been spending a lot of time by myself recently; well, when you're the first one to have any tests friend aren't very inclined to come study with you. :-) I think I'm becoming more of an introvert. I recharge with a cup of coffee in hand, earbuds cranked up to random iTunes songs, and a comfy chair--by myself. Maybe that's because I feel like I am constantly giving out and like everyone needs something from me. It's few and far between where I have friends that give as much as they take. And then I wonder: am I giving back to the same people that I take from? I have a few girls I "dump" on and then quite a large group of people that I give back to. But what about those close girlfriends? They deserve me investing in them and listening to them... If she's a coffee-lover then I'm all for pulling up a second chair... or should I learn to drink tea? Does that mean coming into her world and working out next to her, helping her make flashcards, doing Bible study with her, or sitting next to her and watching a sappy chick flick...
Maybe I should learn to drink tea...
9:45am -- wake up to the annoying alarm clock, I think it's coffee time
10:06am -- scarf down a bowl of cereal, try to find a leotard that's clean
10:08am -- rush out the door to my dance class, gonna be late again
10:55am -- halfway through class my brain seems to shut down, start messing up dance combinations
11:15am -- head to the campus post office, get the first support check for my trip to Africa!
11:45am -- shower and find something cute to wear, realize I have to dress up since I won't have a chance to change before the show tonight
12:13pm -- head to the Underground food court for lunch, eat pasta by myself at a table for four
1:30pm -- walk to the library for my writing-intensive class, sit in the hall and study before class
1:50pm -- learn how to find research articles online, gonna be so much easier than previous research papers
2:55pm -- rush over to anatomy&physiology lab, studying for the weekly quiz on the way over
3:10pm -- studying brain waves and EEG traces, I'm appointed the group leader
4:50pm -- lab done early, call Sarah to see if she wants to eat with me
4:58pm -- deciding on what I want for dinner, hot turkey/provolone on ciabatta sounds good
5:25pm -- Sarah leaves for Bible study, ask the girls at the next table over if I can join them studying for the anatomy&physiology test tonight
6:13pm -- realize that I might actually know more than I thought I did, breathe a sigh of semi-relief
6:59pm -- walk into the lecture hall, start frantically filling out the scantron bubble
7:27pm -- done with the test, second in a class of 250+
7:31pm -- run over to Rudder Theater, slide into my seat right as the show starts
8:30pm -- Royal Winnepeg Ballet's "Cinderella Story" halfway done, so glad I bought the ticket back in July!
10:02pm -- show's over, my three friends from dance company my freshman year and I decide to grab dessert
10:17pm -- Emily's house, incredible ice cream sandwich/peanut butter frozen dessert
11:28pm -- the four of us having too much fun, finally decide to head home
11:47pm -- Brittany drops me off at the dorm, head up to check FB
12:11am -- thinking about grabbing my journal and a cup of tea, life doesn't stop at midnight...
Yeah, that's been my day... and pretty typical. I've been in my room for less than 30 minutes since I woke up this morning; my roommate's probably wondering if I actually live here! :-) But I like busy... it keeps my mind from retracing stuff and wondering if things would have turned out differently if only...

Maybe I should learn to drink tea...
Seasons fascinate me...and this is different than what you've previously encountered. I'm praying for you!
Friend, I completely understand what you're feeling- and if you wanna chat- let me know. I'm kinda past that season, but still confront it often. <3 I hope you are well, and please dont go totally crazy;) I'm learning to love coffee this semester, myself;)
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