I came across this and thought it deserved a repost. I don't agree with everything she writes here, but I like her thought process... thanks to thevampiredrinkscoke.
"Date a girl who reads. Date a girl who spends her money on books instead of clothes. She has problems with closet space because she has too many books. Date a girl who has a list of books she wants to read, who has had a library card since she was twelve.
A blend of inspiration, creativity, and imagination expressed through escapades, dreams, adventures, and other ramblings. It's simply, me.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Helping up...
taken 8-13-2009 at The Children's Park
"Two are better than one... if one falls down,
his friend can help him up." Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
his friend can help him up." Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Valentine's *1 week late*...
{{{So yeah, last week was insane with 3 major tests, bi-weekly meetings
(that happened to all fall on last week), and mediating between roommates
on my floor... so this post is 7-days in coming.}}}
The last two years (2009, 2010) I've been at the Renewal conference with the Navigators over Valentine's weekend. This year the retreat was moved to February 25-27th, so I was in town for Valentine's... and I was not looking forward to it.
I'm taking country western dance lessons with a friend of mine on Sunday nights, and last week I was late to our first lesson because I'd been home for the weekend for a friend's funeral. My mind wasn't focused on learning the polka because I was prioritizing the massive amount of studying I had to do and calculating how late I was going to have to stay in "the annex"--the only building on main campus that is pretty much open 24/7 and is a popular hang out for stressed students pulling all-nighters.
My friend then warned me as we were headed back to my room, "Meghan's (my Bible study co-leader) got a little surprise planned for you. I promise it won't take more than about 10 minutes. But be sweet... she's just trying to show she cares about you, your friend's funeral, and the fact that you're stressed." OK, fine. I'll humor her. 10 minutes. That's it. Then off to the annex to cram for Therapeutic Principles.
I walked into my room and a few minutes later I answered a knock on the door to find not just Meghan, but 3 of my other best girl friends--Sarah, Becca, and Abigail. They brought me Godiva dark chocolate and lots of hugs. :)
Then, my door opened again and our 3 guy friends walked in with roses, chocolate (they brought me ground coffee instead!), and cards for each of us! Sarah's fiancé had been in town for the weekend and he, along with another friend who was holed up in the architecture studio, had been in on the planning of the whole shindig. Meghan knew what the guys were planning and had orchestrated an excuse to have all of us girls in the same room.
The cards the guys had for each of us were perfectly picked. This was the cover of mine...
on the inside it reads "... sure hasn't been to Forks, Washington."
The most epic part about it is what plays when you open the card:
Edward-"I will love you, every moment of forever."
Jacob-"I will fight for you, until your heart stops beating."
Let's just say that I almost died laughing... beside the fact that every single person who was in the room (girls included) makes fun of my liking Twilight, I loved it! :) I still can't believe that the the guys scoured the Valentine's card section to find the perfect cards for each of us 4 girls, took time to write something in each card, and arranged the whole thing. I've got amazing girl friends who came to cheer me up, and I've got incredible guy friends who went out of their way to make us all feel special.
Ok, it took longer than 10 minutes... but it sure made staying up until 3:15am a whole lot more bearable!
Today was all about Jello... I don't think I've ever heard so many analogies using Jello in one day!
It started with my 10:20am Exercise Biomechanics professor likening the squiggly stuff to the matrix component of connective tissue found within your body. It was just too "Facebook quoteable" to not post it! (Ok fine, I'm one of THOSE students who will occasionally text during class!)
Then a friend of mine continued on the medical analogies with:
Then tonight at leadership meeting for all the Navigator's Bible study leaders Susanna shared another Jello analogy related to verse 1 of this week's passage, 2 Timothy 2:1-13.
"You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus."
2 Timothy 2:1
Paul exhorts Timothy to be strong in grace, implying that we can be strong
in lots of other things. Grace isn't the first thing that comes to mind when
someone says "strong." A little like Jello--ever tried to get the bottom hard
layer off the bowl when you forgot to completely dissolve the powder?
Jello can be strong stuff!
Now, if you'll excuse me. My microwave's just finished boiling my 1 C. of water...
*proceeds to tear open packet of strawberry powdered happiness*

Sunday, February 20, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
New home...
Some of ya'll may know that my family is moving on from the ALERT Cadet ministry, and with that comes to moving to a new home. For now, my parents are staying in the East Texas area and are moving to the town of Mt. Pleasant.
I spent two days over Christmas break visiting homes with my family. Mom and Dad had already narrowed down the search to about 10 different houses; it was now up to us kids to help them find their home for the next 3-5 years. After that, who knows?
We found a lovely home with tons of trees and a big metal building (which I think will get turned into a CrossFit Box) on a quiet Farm-to-Market road just a few minutes outside Mt. Pleasant. Here's the Google Earth view:
I spent two days over Christmas break visiting homes with my family. Mom and Dad had already narrowed down the search to about 10 different houses; it was now up to us kids to help them find their home for the next 3-5 years. After that, who knows?
We found a lovely home with tons of trees and a big metal building (which I think will get turned into a CrossFit Box) on a quiet Farm-to-Market road just a few minutes outside Mt. Pleasant. Here's the Google Earth view:
from realtor.com
Songs and Statuses

from overloadedaegyo via lovequotesrus.
Does it bug you when people post song lyrics as their Facebook or IM statuses? It used to... until I found myself doing the same thing.
I figure, if someone else has taken the time to find the perfect words (and they've made those words famous/gotten quite a bit of money from those words) why should I try to find some other way to say the same thing?
And I also figure that if someone sees my status and moves right on because they don't understand it, they obviously don't know me that well. When I get a Facebook comment, a "like," or even a text with either "that's perfect, I totally agree!" or "I'm getting the vibe you're not OK, wanna talk about it?" I know those people care.
I figure, the people who need to know will understand what I'm (not) saying... and the rest of the world can just read some great lyrics and remember a wonderful song.
BTW, I'm kind of in love with the faded lyrics, a blog dedicated to bringing Taylor Swift's words to life. Check it out.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
REBLOG: "Snow and Grace"
A friend of mine posted this today... seemed appropriate for the "snow day/no school day" we're hoping for here at A&M.
Grace falling like snow... I think that's what I need today. Maybe that's what we all need.
For the entire totally-worth-reading post:
From the archives: Snow and Grace
Grace falling like snow... I think that's what I need today. Maybe that's what we all need.
For the entire totally-worth-reading post:
From the archives: Snow and Grace